Thursday, February 12, 2009

Making a Picture Instead of Taking a Picture

You will create a situation to photograph. You will see examples from the very elaborate (installation) to the not-so elaborate (drawings). You could create a small diorama or turn an entire room into an installation. Other approaches are to make photographs that become objects themselves like Heinecken’s puzzle pieces or the Starn’s photographs.
If you are a photographer used to going out into the world and finding things/events to photograph this is your chance to work in a new way.

Five Prints Due
Artist: Jeff Wall, Gregory Crewdson, Sandy Skoglund, Patrick Nagatani, Thomas Demand, Doug and Mike Starn, Vic Muniz, Robert Heinecken, Robert Park Harrison.

”There is a vast difference between taking a picture and Making a Photograph.”

Robert Heinecken


  1. As a non-art major, I have trouble with some of the creative aspects... I am having trouble coming up with ideas for this assignment, even for what to bring tomorrow for props. I dislike copying things, but can't seem to come up with anything on my own. Anyone (particularly one of you creative folks) have a subject idea I might be able to run with that fits a small budget?

  2. Pick an object, any object and go with it. A shoe, a can of corn something, anything, If it helps, word associate...corn, maize, indian, mel gibson, movies, ....corn in movies then shoot it. Maybe not the best example but I hope it helps. Lori :-)
