With the economy and homework, I don't anticipate traveling too much in the near future. I found a nice travel photo website that has some quality shots (kind of like calendars but way better) Anyway, sometimes it's nice to just look at photos from somewhere other than home and that you don't have to explain to your mother.
not sure if anyone has been watching the news. The floods in North Dakota just have a spot close to my heart for all the people that are fighting to keep their homes there. My dad lives right between the two major towns that have been flooded. I've been keeping close touch with him to make sure everything is o.k.
I had created an aircraft noseart illustration for a friend of mine's spray plane last semester in ART 461. I had it produced as a vinyl decal at the BSU print shop with the same products used for vehicle wraps. I traveled to Wasco, OR (6 hours away on I-84) Wednesday and installed it on his airplane. We spent Thursday capturing these pictures. Brian flew and I climbed to the top of the airport beacon tower for my picture taking so I could shoot down on him and get the bright white airplane against a darker background. This also allowed the water he was spraying to show better too.
For my most successful shots I set the camera on Shutter Priority. The camera then selects the best F stop for the light and I choose the shutter speed. I wanted to create movement by panning with the passing airplane to keep it in focus and not blurred while allowing the background to blur. Another thing to consider was capturing the movement of the propeller arc so the engine didn't appear stopped in mid flight. So these are photographed witht he shutter set about 1/60th of second. Had a lot of fun!
I love Safeway Sandwiches and ate two of em during the drive. If you ever get to Baker City you can get one at the Safeway there. They are better than any Quiznos or Subway or whatever.
I was also photographing old neon signs in the old communitites along the way.
Hey just in case you get sick, please don't come to school or any public place for that matter. Spreading bugs is evil. I am very sick because people decided to come to school carrying contagious bugs. BLAH!
Ryan Mcginley's camera/film stats: Film-kodak portra 400 nc and vc film and also fuji 1600 Cameras-Leica r8 with a 35mm lens, and a 28-70mm lens; Yashica t4 mostly without the flash
I will not be in class this week as my father-in-law died this morning. The funeral is Friday. Jon I will have to reschedule my presentation that was to be Friday. I should see you next week.
If there is anyone else that likes to be in the outdoors you should go and see the sportsman expo down at the fair grounds. Adults are $5 and kids 12 and under are free. There is a fishing pond for the kids and a really cool trailer that has hides and heads from several animals that the kids can touch.
After critique, I kept thinking about this song about the Mann Gulch Fire of 1949. I found this you tube video which has really good sound quality for the song. I love this song, and I really like Cry Cry Cry, the project who does this great cover.
Someone broke both my windows in my truck using a beer bottle, likely launched from a potato gun, this weekend aparently just for fun. Darn evil doers. Minus the glass everywhere, half of it imbedded into the plastic in my truck (like my stick shift), it also leaves me without windows in the rain and thus, lacking my own transportation. I had planned to print my pictures at school before this happened, but now I am stuck at home late using at least an Epson Stylus, but not one as good as the lab. I hope you all will understand if I am tired in the critique, I hadn't planned on being the victim of a felony. I will post some pictures when I get the chance of the real carnage that happened during make a picture. I can't wait to see what ideas everyone came up with for this assignment though at the critique!
Finally finished the Make a Picture assignment this morning at 4am. I'm beat. I was photographing the city scape at 2am. No one but me and cabbies and the bar flies in downtown Boise. The ships were photographed in my garage.
The latest in the series. The Imperial Shuttle is actually a very small Christmas tree ornament. I photographed it in the same cardboard box by hanging it with fishing line. The engines really do light up. I used incense again. It made very straight smoke columns that reminded me of huge flood lights. I photographed the stormtrooper on location at Bronco Stadium. It was positioned on the tailgate of my pickup with my camera on a tripod. Photoshop brought them all together. The lights pointing at the belly of the shuttle is several exposures of the smoke as it drifted up from the incense.
I set up my one 12" Stormtrooper figure in the same box I used for the Falcon hanger. I created a line of about 5 LED lights set in holes in the top of the box to simulate a corridor. The camera was set on a tripod and manually focused on the Stormtrooper which I placed about four feet from the camera. I took an exposure.
Without changing the manual focus or lighting I moved the Stormtrooper away from the camera deeper into the box and took another exposure. I did this again several times. Finally, I brought the Stormtrooper closer to the camera then the first exposure for several more exposures.
Once in Photoshop I open each file, and copy-paste it into one document so there is no chance at accidentally scaling it. Copy-paste also stacks the images perfectly over each other. I use layer masks to hide the background in each shot except the one on the bottom layer which also happens to have the stormtrooper at the farthest distance from the camera.