Saturday, January 31, 2009

You ain't livin' till you livin' in 3D son

I went and saw My Bloody Valentine in 3D on Friday night, and had a lot of fun. The movie itself was just a straight 80's style slasher flick and I enjoyed it, so if you are into that kind of thing, I would recommend it. The blood and gore was fun yes, but the real fun thing about this movie was that it was in 3D. I haven't seen a 3D movie in 18 years so I was very entertained. Maybe My Bloody Valentine is not your taste but I would definitely recommend going and seeing a 3D movie very soon, it was worth the 12$ and free(after the 12$) pair of high quality, plastic framed, 3D glasses. very cool. I was also curious if anyone knew how they go about making a movie in 3D.

Friday, January 30, 2009

I get Polaroids with a little help from my friends...

So, I'm always looking for Polaroid 600 film, which gets more and more scarce as the days go by. Aside from ebay, if anyone runs across any film here in Boise and aren't planning on buying it for themselves, you could email me or let me know in class where you saw it!?? Right?  Yeah, you could do that.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Sunset to share

Okay, this is not a recent photo but I thought I'd share and get some feedback. I was working in manual with my Nikon D50 and really trying to capture with different shutter speeds and ap settings. The original file was a jpg for what ever reason. I haven't done any tweaking to the colors. It was pretty cool!
Taken in the alley behind our home on E Jefferson here in Boise.



I love this camera. It is so much fun to shoot. I can't wait till the next check out day so that I can play with a different camera. I think that the lab fee was worth it just so that I could play with all the different cameras this year. Can't wait till I get my hands on Cheyenne.

Late tomorrow

Hi everyone, I finally got my photos to where I can load them into photoshop. Niiiiice camera, but gee whiz, it may take the whole semester to learn to use it! I did not shoot my photos in raw format. Sorry, Jon, didn't get that far, but the cuteness will make up for that. I have to take 4 "people" to the humane society tomorrow...don't open til 8, so I may be a little late. Please save me a seat in the front row so I can see...and stay out of my chair! Sorry for the disruption. I hate being late.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hey all,

I had the opportunity to go to the Sundance Film Festival last weekend. I saw three great films, check them out. The first one Mary and Max was total eye candy. You will most likely be hearing about The Cove here soon it is a must see documentary on Dolphin slaughter's in Taiji, Japan. Horrifying. The 3rd one Carmo Hit the Road was entertaining but will most likely be a DVD selection. Check them out for their cinematography. All quite well done.

Gabriel Orozco.

A Year of Sunsets

In the spirit of our first assignment... A Year of Sunsets

Michael Craig-Martin

The above piece is called "An Oak Tree." That is where I got the idea or the name of our blog.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

s.t.o.p. motion

This is fun to watch.


The first assignment is do something photographically that you have been told not to do. That thing can be a rule such as "do not shoot into the sun" or subjects like rainbows or sunsets or bathrooms, boyfriends or girlfriends. Maybe pets or beaches.
The important thing is to be the exception to the rule. Make a good project while breaking these rules.
5 prints due February 11.